Reporting of cyber security incidents - 12th Article 13a Expert Group meeting in Malta

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This week ENISA met with the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) from the different EU Member States and EFTA countries to discuss how to supervise network and information security in the EU's telecom sector.

The 12th Article 13a meeting was organized by ENISA, in Valletta, Malta, hosted by the Maltese regulator MCA.

The main agenda items were:

  • Joint development of an audit workshop, to address the needs of experts working at NRAs across the EU.
  • Start of a pilot with a small group of NRAs and providers which aims to provide access to the Article 13a incident reports. Providers across the EU can learn from the information in the individual incident reports.
  • Adoption of new versions of the Article 13a Technical guidelines: Version 2.0 of the guideline on security measures and Version 2.1 of the guideline on incident reporting. The latter includes the new threshold, which is absolute: 1 Million user hours. This lower threshold will improve the EU wide view on telecom security incidents.


Over the last years ENISA has been supporting the EU Member States and EFTA countries with the implementation of EU-wide network and information security legislation for the telecom sector. To see a brief video about this work, check: Reporting of cybersecurity incidents